Continuous Disclosure Notice. Removal of initial term for the TPT Fixed Term Fund

This notice advises the 6 month initial term requirement for the TPT Fixed Term Fund has been removed effective since Monday 18 December 2023.
Investors in the TPT Fixed Term Fund no longer need to wait 6 months from opening their investment in the TPT Wealth Fixed Term Fund before accessing their funds. Please note, the 90-day redemption notice period continues to apply.†
Visit the Managed Funds webpage to view the full list of current features and rates of return for the Fixed Term Fund.
If you have any questions please contact us on 1300 138 044.
† The redemption timeframe is not guaranteed. All transactions (both applications and redemptions) will normally be processed to your nominated bank account within 3 to 5 business days after the redemption notice period to allow the value of your interest to be calculated. However TPT Wealth may extend up to 180 days as per the constitution of the relevant Fund. See the TPT Wealth Income Funds PDS for further information.