Create your own legacy

Continue supporting a cause close to your heart
Stay involved in your community in spirit
Let your name live on
Honour the memory of a loved one

Charitable giving & philanthropy into perpetuity

A charitable trust is an effective way of continued giving and an alternative option to a once off donation. A well-managed charitable trust typically aims to grow the capital of the trust over time. This growth provides the ability to nominate specific charities or causes to receive income distributions over a period of time and in turn can provide an ongoing contribution to society. Sometimes charitable trusts are set up in the name of a person we would like to be remembered.

Can a charitable trust be established with assets other than cash?

Yes, assets like land, real estate, and vehicles often form a larger share in a deceased estate than monetary assets, such as savings or insurance claims. You can nominate that the sale of assets in your Will be used as the capital to establish the charitable trust.

How is the charitable trust established?

A trust is typically set up via a Will, which appoints a trustee and outlines rules and guidelines for the trustee. These include the purpose of the trust, and how benefits will be paid to charities and/or causes. TPT Wealth will act as the trustee, to manage its administration and compliance, oversee its investment strategy and distribute income to charities nominated in the Will.

Find a trustee with the right expertise and track record

Established in 1887, TPT Wealth is a Trustee Company authorised under the Trustee Companies Act 1953. Our committed trust administration team offers continuity over generations, an important factor when it comes to administering charitable trusts into perpetuity. This is one of the many reasons why our company inherited trusts from other, smaller trustee businesses whose owners have retired or passed away.

What cause is close to your heart?

Charitable trusts can be set up to support nominated charities that undertake work that you care about in areas such as healthcare, education, support of animals, the environment or the arts. Our oldest and still running charitable trust was opened in 1926! Explore some examples of charitable trusts for which TPT Wealth act as the Trustee.

The Returned Sisters Charitable Trust

Watch the video on how this charitable trust created by nurses and midwives helps support their peers with grants in memory of Florence Nightingale.

Over the years the study grants and awards have supported Tasmanian nurses to improve their training and skills, so benefitting hospital and healthcare throughout the state.

Watch the video

Princess Melikoff Trust

Find out how the Trust supports marine conservation and aged care.

Princess Melikoff’s great love for animals and her passion for wildlife conservation and animal protection resulted in her ongoing support of Tasmania’s marine mammals.

Watch the video

Hardie Education Trust and Hardie Fellowship Trust

Read how the fellowships in the name of Professor Hardie have supported hundreds of teachers over many years.

The value that these fellowships continue to provide to the enhancement of teaching capabilities and knowledge in Tasmania cannot be under estimated.

Learn more