Overview at your fingertips

View investment status
Check your current investment holdings at a glance right after your login.

Download recent statements
No more searching for emails with digital statements. Self-serve whenever you need your recent monthly statement.

View transactions earlier
Before the next monthly statement is available, you can see your most recent transactions on screen.
For the active investor that likes getting involved
Switch between funds
Wanting to move your investment into a different fund? Arrange for this change in the portal.
Top up your investment
Would you like to initiate additional investments to a current investment? The investor portal makes it easy.
Ready to redeem?
No need for printing redemption forms, scanning and emailing your instructions. Save yourself some time and apply for redemptions online.
First time using the Investor Portal?
Download our step-by-step user guide here
Our Multi-Factor-Authentication and secure encryption makes the investor portal more private than a statement letter sent to your home.
Independent from opening hours, your information is readily accessible. You can easily view recent transactions and request trades online.
Investor Forms
If you don’t have access to the Investor Portal you can download and print the relevant form to provide instructions relating to your investments or to update your details. Once you have completed the form, return it to us by email, post or fax. Details can be found on each form.
Opening an Investment
For new investors to apply for an investment with TPT Wealth via paper form.
Existing Investments
Change of Details
Frequently asked questions
Managed Investment Funds are an option for both experienced investors and also those who are dipping their toe in the water and just starting out. Income funds aim at providing investment returns at competitive variable rates while generating income paid monthly in the form of a distribution to the investors. Growth funds seek potentially higher average investment returns over the long term.
Choose from our range of investment options to best suit your different goals and risk profile. However, ensure you understand the risks associated with Managed Investment Funds, as they are not like a bank deposit or term deposit and have a completely different risk profile. Read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement PDS as well as other documentation before deciding to invest.
Inform yourself about our Cash, Income and Growth Funds here.
Read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and other disclosure documents including the Target Market Determinations, before making an investment decision. If you have done so, you may want to proceed with our online application.
BPAY makes adding to your managed funds easy. Use your financial institution’s online banking platform to make a BPAY from your bank account. You will need your TPT Wealth Customer Reference Number (CRN) and fund Biller Code.
You will find your CRN in the investor portal if you are registered, on your most recent investment statement or alternatively contact our Client Services team on 1300 138 044.
Find your fund below and ensure you use the applicable Biller Code for any additional contributions:
Fund Name | Biller Codes |
TPT At Call Fund | 929513 |
TPT Fixed Term Fund | 929554 |
TPT Long Term Fund | 347377 |
TPT Select Mortgage Fund | 36699 |
TPT Australian Share Fund | 929562 |
TPT International Share Fund | 566414 |
TPT Diversified Property Fund | 566406 |
TPT Balanced Fund | 929521 |
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
Make an additional investment to your TPT Wealth investment by making an EFT from your bank or financial institution using the following EFT details:
BSB: 062-000
Account Number: 17257060
Please include your Investor Number in the reference field.
Simply submit an Additional Investment Form alongside your payment so that your contribution can be identified. This form will appear in the Investor Portal when transacting online.
Paper forms can be submitted either by mail or fax:
TPT Wealth Unit Registry
PO Box 3721
Rhodes NSW 2138
Fax: 612 9287 0328
Please make your cheque payable to ‘TPT Wealth Funds Application Account’ and send with your Additional Investment Form to:
TPT Wealth Unit Registry
PO Box 3721
Rhodes NSW 2138