TPT Australian Share Fund

Competitive and regular income return and opportunity for capital growth over the medium to long term.

  • 1 year performance 8.81%
  • 3 year performance 6.74% p.a.
  • 5 year performance 5.82% p.a.

Historic actual returns for the period ended 28/02/25.1

Established Since 1998
Major asset class Diversified portfolio of Australian shares
Distribution frequency Quarterly
Other Distribution return may be partially tax advantaged through franked dividends
Redemption Period2 TPT Wealth expect to pay redemption requests within 7 days from receipt of the request, except for a 21 business day period following each income distribution.2

Read Australian Share Fund Reports and Disclosures

TPT International Share Fund

Capital growth over the medium to long term and some income.

  • 1 year performance 18.96%
  • 3 year performance 14.46% p.a.
  • 5 year performance 12.70% p.a.

Historic actual returns for the period ended 28/02/25.1

Established Since 2005
Major asset class Diversified portfolio of international shares
Distribution frequency Half yearly
Other Have the ability to actively manage currency exposure
Redemption Period2 TPT Wealth expect to pay redemption requests within 7 days from receipt of the request, except for a 21 business day period following each income distribution.2

Read International Share Fund Reports and Disclosures

TPT Balanced Fund

Competitive and regular income return, together with the opportunity for capital growth over the medium to long term.

  • 1 year performance 8.85%
  • 3 year performance 5.78% p.a.
  • 5 year performance 4.72% p.a.

Historic actual returns for the period ended 28/02/25.1

Established Since 1998
Major asset class Diversified portfolio of growth and income assets
Distribution frequency Quarterly
Other Distributions to investors may be partially tax advantaged through franked dividends
Redemption Period2 TPT Wealth expect to pay redemption requests within 7 days from receipt of the request, except for a 21 business day period following each income distribution.2

Read Balanced Fund Reports and Disclosures

TPT Diversified Property Fund

Competitive and regular income return, together with the opportunity for capital growth over the medium to long term.

  • 1 year performance 6.69%
  • 3 year performance 1.34% p.a.
  • 5 year performance 0.93% p.a.

Historic actual returns for the period ended 28/02/25.1

Established Since 2005
Major asset class Diversified portfolio of listed property and property type assets, such as infrastructure
Distribution frequency Quarterly
Other Distributions may be partially tax advantaged through franked dividends and/or tax-deferred income
Redemption Period2 TPT Wealth expect to pay redemption requests within 7 days from receipt of the request, except for a 21 business day period following each income distribution.2

Read Diversified Property Fund Reports and Disclosures

Past performance is not an indicator of future performance.

For important information about the features and risks of our funds, we recommend you consider the relevant PDS and TMD and all other disclosure documentation, such as the relevant Fund Quarterly Report before deciding to acquire, or continue to hold any investment.

1 Performance is quoted per annum after fees. These returns assume reinvestment of income and applicable net-realised capital gains over 12 months. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. There is a risk that an investment will achieve lower than expected returns. There may be unavoidable delays in updating the Fund Unit Prices during periods of interest distribution and public holidays.

2 Redemptions may be suspended by TPT Wealth provided the period of suspension does not exceed 30 days.

All investments involve various elements of risk. Whilst TPT Wealth cannot eliminate all risks associated with an investment in the Investment Growth Funds (including the risk of loss of capital invested), as Responsible Entity and Investment Manager we employ a range of strategies that seek to actively identify, assess, manage and reduce risk. These are managed investment schemes, not bank deposits, with higher risk of losing some or all of your money. Neither TPT Wealth, nor MyState Limited or MyState Bank Limited guarantee the repayment of capital or the performance of the Investment Growth Funds.

Why invest with TPT Wealth?

Short, medium to long term investments
Over 30 years experience
Invest in assets generally not available to retail investors
24/7 access to your investments via our online investor portal